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Monday 9 December 2013



The glittering dresses and suits, sunshine smiles and joyous expectations gave credence to the gathering of champions who converged at the Loveworld Convocation Arena for the prestigoius Loveworld Awards Ceremony. The Loveworld Awards is a crowning event at the week long 

International Pastors and Partners Conference. It was an avenue for the President of the Believers Loveworld Incorporated to honour and thank the top 17,000 thousand partners of the ministry by giving them an award of recognition. Blue medals were handed over to the top 17,000 partners and Pastor Chris explained that the blue medals signified glory and the fact that all the top partners have been called up in a roll. Each recipient of the medal was to understand that their partneship was so relevant, it had to be recognized.

The man of God also drew a dividing line between an award and a reward, teaching that an award is just a recognition while a reward is something entirely different but much bigger than an award. “One day” Pastor said, “the Master Himself will thank you Himself for all that you did through your partnership and He will give you your reward”. The next group of people the President recognized were the Gold Partners who constituted the Top 100 Partners of the ministry. They were gold partners because their partnership made up for the lack of others. What others didn’t give, they gave to move the gospel forward. Other recognition awards for the night included the media connector awards, music ministry, and the top partnering churches awards.

But before all the awards were given out, Pastor Chris admonished that all awardees should not be carried away with the excitement of the night but remember that as the event goes on, there is a still small voice speaking a word in season. ” So don’t get carried away. Listen to the still small voice, for God wants to minister to you tonight.” With these precious words, the spiritual antennas of many delegates were turned on, as the award ceremony kicked off and it was truly a spectacular night! Glory to God!

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