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Monday 9 December 2013



The second night of the Partners Conference was quite exhilarating as Pastor Chris continued his exposition on different aspect of the lives of the Christian. He delved into the teaching of why Christians are rich and wealthy. “Some people who don’t understand the word are disturbed by how Christians get rich and remain wealthy. How could we say Jesus gave up everything and yet we say we have everything?” He asked.

Explaining, Pastor Chris told the audience how that Jesus laid aside his glory to receive a greater glory and the next time he comes to this world, he is coming as a King and not a lamb to be sacrificed. The Man of God further revealed that Jesus left us an inheritance. He said we should support the poor because Jesus didn’t see us as poor. This is why we can never give all we have away because the more we give, the more we receive and some people don’t understand this principle. But we are not here to make the world understand because we are a wonder.

Pastor said that “when you give and give and give, you shall be overtaken.”At this point, Pastor Chris also noted that many of the awards given to the delegates were received by a lot of the Pastors of the BLW Nation. He revealed that the reason why the Pastors of the BLW Nation give to the point where their seeds are recognized is because they understand that their prosperity is dependent on their individual giving and not their congregation. “Our Pastors have been taught this and many of our Pastors are financially powerful.” The Man of God said.
Sharing much further, Pastor Chris gave a deep insight into how gifts should be given. He opined that some cultures in the world present gifts to people that are not valuable to the givers, but this is not the culture of the word.

“Don’t give gifts merely to decorate, give gifts of value. If you give gifts to decorate, you will get into trouble with your finances.  Don’t give that which cost you nothing… give because of your future. Giving is about the giver not the receiver.”

He ended his teaching by explaining that if you make poor deposits you will receive a poor harvest. Don’t curse your seed when you give. Declare that you receive when you give and encouraged the partners to plan to send out good gifts of value at Christmas.
“Make sure your heart is always in your giving and it has some value to you. Think of the value the gift has to you, and not the receiver because the blessing rests with the giver, not the receiver.”
(Excerpt from IPPC 2013).

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