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Monday 16 December 2013


Be a talker of God's Word


"Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain" (Philippians 2:16). I was actively involved in soul winning even while I was a student, and back then, I had many of my colleagues asking me, “Are you going into full-time ministry?” “I am already a full-time minister of the gospel,” was always my response. You see, where you are or what you’re doing right now is not what really matters; there’s nothing you are in this world that will be forever. You’re only a student for a while; if you’re a teacher, doctor or businessman, you’ll retire at some time. But if you have received Christ into your life and are born again, you’re a full-time minister of the gospel of Christ. So, at that time I knew I was a part-time student and a full-time minister of the gospel. 

Christianity is not something you do, rather it’s what you are. For example, your gender isn’t something you qualify for, it’s what you are. A true Christian is a man that has discovered his true reason for living. Such a man doesn’t care where he is because he knows he could find himself anywhere and at any day, just like Phillip who was transported by the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:39). He had abandoned himself to God and so God was free to take him anywhere. So when you’re a Christian you know that where you are is temporary because you can be anywhere and at anytime. You have become a man or a woman who is ready to give God praise because you’re convinced that you don’t go anywhere by accident. All the time you’re always watching out for souls. All of your energy and strength is channeled into one thing: leading men to Christ. This should be the mentality of every Christian. 

Paul the apostle said, “… woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:16). That means “Let me be accursed if I don’t preach the gospel.” That was a man who understood his calling into the Christian life. If the essence of a career is not about reaching people for Jesus, it’s worthless! You’re not just in business to make money; You’re there to reach the world for Jesus. That’s why Christianity is full-time!


Don't Stop At The Prophecy!

Pastor Chris

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith (Romans 12:6). Sometimes, some Christians wonder how come they prophesied that something was going to happen and it didn't happen, and then they concluded that maybe it was a false prophecy after all. Not necessarily. Let's learn from the Prophet Elijah: there had been no rain for three and a half years, then suddenly he prophesied to King Ahab "get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain" (1 Kings 18:41). After giving the word of prophecy, the Bible didn't tell us that immediately, the rains started pouring down. Rather we read in the next verse what Elijah did; "he went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees" (1 Kings 18:42). He went to pray. Elijah followed up his prophecy with prayer. He didn't idle away, waiting for the abundance of rain, despite having prophesied by the Spirit that God would send rain. After praying for a while, he said to his servant, "Go up now and look toward the sea. And he went up, and looked, and said, there is nothing, and he said, Go again seven times" (1Kings 18:43-44). This had to have gone on for several hours if not days. Each time Elijah's servant went out to check if there was rain and came back, he met Elijah still praying. By the seventh time, the Bible says, "it came to pass in the meanwhile, that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain" (1 Kings 18:45). Elijah didn't stop at the prophecy, and this is what a lot of Christians haven" learnt to do. They make the mistake of stopping at the prophecy, and when 'the rains' as it were, don't come, they wonder why. It's because you stopped at the prophecy; you didn't follow up the prophecy with prayer. Get smart and get praying; and you'll see those prophecies come to pass in your life. Hallelujah!



Pastor Anita
When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague (Mark 5:27-29).

If there's any area of your life where you require a miracle, that miracle can take place today. The opening scripture refers to the woman with the issue of blood, who suffered for twelve long years. When she "heard about Jesus, she purposed in her heart to receive a miracle: If I may but touch His garment, I will be healed" she kept saying to herself (Matthew 9:21AMP).

On that very day, she prepared herself for the `miracle touch.' Though a crowd pressed on Jesus, she wasn't deterred because she had made up her mind for a miracle. She pushed her way through the crowd until she was close enough to reach for the hem of the Master's garment. When she touched it, the Bible says, "straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague" (Mark 5:29). She was healed instantly.

The Bible records that Jesus turned around and asked "Who touched me?" because He perceived that virtue had gone out of Him. The woman came forward trembling, acknowledging she touched Him, and Jesus declared that she had been made whole (Mark 5:30-34).

It wasn't the Master's faith but the woman's faith that made the difference. She didn't want to continue in sickness, and devised a plan to receive, that is `take' (Greek: lambano) her healing. She pulled the healing power out of Jesus. You too can position yourself for a miracle today. What is that thing you desire? Find the Word of God concerning it and act your faith! You can have that miracle in your body, family, job or in any area of your life TODAY.

Monday 9 December 2013



Two people in agreement are far more effective in bringing about change than 2000 people in disagreement, Pastor Chris profoundly reveals in a teaching, healing and anointing service that left everyone thanking and praising God last night.

The evening session of the International Partners’ Conference yesterday is one that will live in the memory of every delegate for years to come. In line with the prophesies of the day before from our man of God Pastor Chris that there will be so much unction available for the taking at this Conference, he went ahead to bless the brethren with great words of transformation and told them that their lives will never be the same again.

Pastor Chris, taking the podium immediately after the Awards segment, commended the givers and informed the congregation that, “We are participating in financial Partners Awards and we are all winners”. According to him, “Without big and large giving we do not do much for the kingdom; it takes a lot of faith to give a lot of money. God looks at the faith, the joy, and the love we express when we give. Rejoice when others are receiving awards; have the joy of participation. God wants us to take account of what we’re doing and remind each other as we see the day approaching. God’s Spirit is God’s answer. His answer is in Christ Jesus.”

He went on to say that the church needs to come to a place of effectiveness and productivity – a place of mastery where we are not victims of any kind.

Making reference to the book of Ephesians 1: 15-23, he noted that “God wants us to have insights and secrets about Jesus Christ so we can live an overcoming life”.  Jesus he said came to give us the overcoming life. To that effect, “there is no such thing as being weak except for a lack of knowledge and if you would take these things shown in the Word and live by them, you’ll ride/live victoriously. We have resurrection power at work in us, the same power which brought Jesus out of the grave and set Him at God’s right hand FAR ABOVE all principalities and power and might and dominion”.
On the power in the name of Jesus, which he has taught about on several occasions, Pastor Chris admonished that, “Jesus is far above all rule and authority and power and dominion. Jesus has the biggest name. It’s been set like this forever and when it comes to using the name of Jesus, it is a matter of authority. You don’t need faith, just like a policeman doesn’t need faith to control traffic because he’s functioning under authority”.

Pastor said that everything responds to the name of Jesus. “What He speaks must be heard and obeyed by everything He speaks to. Every government must hear Him. So as a Christian you can change things because you are from the government from heaven.”

Using Ephesians 2: 1 as a plank, our man of God speaking to the congregation noted that, “…because Jesus has made me alive and I’m alive, life works in me”. He emphatically told the Partners that because of their connection with the divine life they are beyond human destruction, “no one can kill you,” he said. Addressing the brethren further he said that there is a consciousness that God wants us to have because of what Jesus did so that we live our lives like someone who has His life – victoriously.

Because Jesus thought I was important to the Father, that’s why He came, “so refuse to be defeated! God has raised us up together with Jesus and made us sit together with Him in heavenly places. God’s kingdom is in us, when we show up, God shows up and we’re changing things everywhere!”

On the effectiveness of the Church, Pastor, using the book of Matthew 18-19 said that the smallest church can make impact anywhere. Warning the brethren against neglecting the power that they have in them, “many can be praying without agreement and nothing happens but with the prayer of agreement things can be turned around. This is how we are going to change the nations”, he said to a congregation already wild in jubilation.

According to Pastor, it is like in the days of Sodom and Gomorra, “we can invite angels to parade our cities to halt evil activities in the place by the prayer of agreement”. Pastor made a very profound statement on the power of agreement saying that to effect a change no matter how tough, it only requires two people. “Two people in agreement are greater than 2000 people in disagreement”. Continuing, he told the congregants that, “…you’re going to use the prayer of agreement and when you get the testimony, share it. With your testimonies, you keep the devil in fear.”

The rest of the session was awesome as the man of God continued to release Words of power, transforming the lives of all present. Before the meeting was over, the demonstration of the Spirit and power was experienced, spiritual gifts were distributed, cancers were destroyed and every one left the auditorium with joy unspeakable and full of glory.



Continuing in the mind blowing expositions and revelations by the Spirit of God, our man of God Pastor Chris informed Partners this morning of the importance of giving in their lives. According to Pastor, the Awards are to celebrate our victories and outdo our past. “So it is important that you step up your giving, don’t wait for a call before you give. If you wait, you may not have it before the need comes. A lot of people don’t have the readiness when its time to give. Give of all your increase so that there’s a harvest awaiting the needs of His ministry and His work.”

Pastor noted that when we give, God opens more doors for us and strategically positions us. “The call to give is in our message; when you hear what we’re planning to do, get involved for that’s your participation for your sowing and your harvest. Your future is determined by your giving, not your receiving because when you believe in something, you give your best to it and what you believe in will determine who you turn out to be.”

According to Pastor Chris one’s knowledge of God depends on the knowledge of His word and this determines the quality of the person’s life. For example, a lot of people live under the notion that the Church can be healed when healing is required but 1 Peter 2:23 tells us the Church has its own healing mechanism because God gave the Church eternal life from the life giving Spirit which is greater than healing.

Pastor explained that this is not mind or head knowledge, but a revelation that will produce results in the life of anyone that walks in it.”Learn to encourage the work of the Spirit in your life”, Pastor admonished. “A lot of Christians need direction and when they encourage the work of the Spirit, they get the direction they need. To know God’s voice more clearly, study His word and when you get to know God’s voice, you become a solution and answer to the cries of many because the scriptures are able to make you wise and increase your knowledge of God’s word.”

Using Galatians 2:19 as reference Pastor admonished Partners not to frustrate the grace of God in their lives. “Let it work to the full capacity. Speak in tongues and faith filled words”, he added.
Pastor concluded by telling us to get so conscious of the Holy Spirit that we see less of our humanity and more of our divinity. “Get more conscious of your association with Christ, as this will give you a firm foundation in Him. Your first response in any situation should be the word of God but that can’t happen unless you’re in constant fellowship with Him.



The glittering dresses and suits, sunshine smiles and joyous expectations gave credence to the gathering of champions who converged at the Loveworld Convocation Arena for the prestigoius Loveworld Awards Ceremony. The Loveworld Awards is a crowning event at the week long 

International Pastors and Partners Conference. It was an avenue for the President of the Believers Loveworld Incorporated to honour and thank the top 17,000 thousand partners of the ministry by giving them an award of recognition. Blue medals were handed over to the top 17,000 partners and Pastor Chris explained that the blue medals signified glory and the fact that all the top partners have been called up in a roll. Each recipient of the medal was to understand that their partneship was so relevant, it had to be recognized.

The man of God also drew a dividing line between an award and a reward, teaching that an award is just a recognition while a reward is something entirely different but much bigger than an award. “One day” Pastor said, “the Master Himself will thank you Himself for all that you did through your partnership and He will give you your reward”. The next group of people the President recognized were the Gold Partners who constituted the Top 100 Partners of the ministry. They were gold partners because their partnership made up for the lack of others. What others didn’t give, they gave to move the gospel forward. Other recognition awards for the night included the media connector awards, music ministry, and the top partnering churches awards.

But before all the awards were given out, Pastor Chris admonished that all awardees should not be carried away with the excitement of the night but remember that as the event goes on, there is a still small voice speaking a word in season. ” So don’t get carried away. Listen to the still small voice, for God wants to minister to you tonight.” With these precious words, the spiritual antennas of many delegates were turned on, as the award ceremony kicked off and it was truly a spectacular night! Glory to God!

Did you know...?

Do you know the right ear is more efficient for listening to speech, while the left ear is better at listening to music.

Favourite Quotes

"It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership".

Nelson Mandela


There are five people at a table and a pie sliced into 5 pieces. Each person has a piece of pie in front of them, yet the pie tin still has a piece of pie in it. How is this possible?